01 Cash Position Statement 08-05-2019.pdf
02 Claims 08-05-2019.pdf
03 Precinct 1-John Moore-Road Hand-temp full time-Armendarez.pdf
04 Precinct 2-Eugene Ford-Road Hand-salary change.pdf
05 Precinct 3-Zephyr Water Supply-CR 321-CR 330.pdf
06 Precinct 4-Brookesmith SUD-CR 152-road bore.pdf
07 Sheriffs Dept-Surplus equipment-GovDeals.pdf
08 Jail Population Report-08-05-2019.pdf
09 Courthouse Maint-Flooring-Custom-approved-Jones-HOT.pdf
10 Historical Commission-Bylaws Amendment.pdf
11 Child Welfare Board-Kandice Harris.pdf
12 Agenda and Minutes and Supplement 08-05-2019.pdf