01 Claims.pdf

02 Treasurer and Auditors Report.pdf

03 SO Ashley Larrington-File Clerk.pdf

04 Proclamation-Child Abuse Prevention Month.pdf

05 Agreement-VA-Volunteer Transportation Network.pdf

06 Pct 4-ROW-Frontier Communications-CR 156-CR 178-Cullins Street-Line Street.pdf

07 Bid-Diamond P Aggregates Ltd-blasting and crushing.pdf

08 Bid-Martin Earthworks LLC for paving.pdf

09 Bid-Mobley Construction LLC for paving.pdf

10 Bid-Martin Earthworks LLC for bulk hauling.pdf

11 Bid-Vulcan Materials Co for bulk hauling.pdf

12 Bid-Diamond P Aggregates Ltd for bulk hauling.pdf

13 Bid-Mobley Construction LLC for bulk hauling.pdf

14 Bid-Holland Hauling for bulk hauling.pdf

15 Bid-Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions for asphalt & emulsions.pdf

16 Bid-P2 Emulsions for asphalt & emulsions.pdf

17 Bid-Wright Asphalt Products Co for asphalt & emulsions.pdf

18 Bid-Diamond P Aggregates Ltd for crushed stone.pdf

19 Bid-Unique Paving Materials Corp for crushed stone.pdf

20 Bid-Vulcan Materials Co for crushed stone.pdf

21 Claims.pdf

22 Agenda and minutes.pdf